Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Like every man's best dream and worst nightmare.

The ratio of girls to guys at the College of Charleston is 7:1. That's right, for every 8 people you see, only one will have an extra letter in their chromosonal alphabet (and according to spellcheck, chromosonal is not a word. If I can get 5 scholarly sources to use this in a publication, I can claim credit for a new word and get it in the oxford dictionary. Let's make this happen people!!!!). So you think that would be awesome if you are a charismatic, charming man, with roguishly good looks in the prime of his youth, right? Well so far school is not in session, so I can't make a full judgment yet, but I have my doubts.

See, first off its not just the college that is disproportionate, it is the whole city. When applying for housing, only one person I interviewed with was male. At the movie theaters, all the people behind the counters are women. All women bus drivers. Gas station attendants, librarians, hardware store workers. Fucking hardware store workers! You would think there would at least be some institutional gender-bias there!!

Anyway, here is my worry. Every girl I know who has lived with other women has told me that their...cycles...become in sync over time. Ok not every girl i know has told me that, because that would be way too many women freely offering up that unsolicited information, but you get the idea. Now, imagine an ENTIRE FUCKING CITY SYNCED UP AT ONCE!!!

Can you imagine the problems here? I haven't been in this city long enough, but I imagine sometime in the next 3 weeks I will step out onto a street one day, and I'll taste a change in the air. LIke that ozone taste that happens right before a big storm. I'll look around not knowing why I feel so tense. As I start to wander down the street, and arm will grab me from behind, and pull me into a well camoflaged dugout. "What the hell you doing out on the street?!" The unseen man will ask. "You want to get yourself killed? You know its not safe for another 5 days!"

Me being unprepared will then have to go without food, bathing, whatever for the next 5 days, only feeding at night when I can dash to dumpsters, only drinking the rain water I can collect, until I know its safe to venture back into the open.

On another note, this whole 9 to 5 thing is really weird. I get up in the morning, do the whole S.S.S. deal, go to work, come home...and then I have nothing to do. No pressing obligations. No papers to write, meetings to attend, professors to email. no stress. I don't know what to do with my life. Right now I've been catching up on TV shows, but at this rate I'll run out soon. Maybe for once I can actually read, write, play guitar, do all that stuff I used to do for fun. I'm going to have to reinvent my life.

It's exciting.


maggie said...




UlyssesUnbound said...

I like chromosomal better, because it's mine.