Wednesday, October 1, 2008


I do believe, that when our generation looks back on our lives 50, 60 years hence, we will see these last 2 weeks as the most pivotal in our lives (nationally speaking that is). The amount of events that are occurring in our nation, and the breakneck speed at which they are developing, is completely unprecedented. Furthermore, the events themselves are not petty matters, but some of the most important developments in decades upon decades. I wanted to just give a rundown of newspaper headlines for the last 2 weeks--most of them from just the last few days!

House Rejects $700 Billion Bailout

Dow Falls Record 778 Points; Stocks Lose $1.2 Trillion

Banking Consolidation Continues as Citigroup Buys Wachovia

Prosecutors Subpoena Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae

Mukasey Appoints Special Prosecutor for US Attorneys Scandal

Ex-CIA Executive Director Pleads Guilty to Wire Fraud

Immigration Agents Arrest 1,100 in California

GOP Concern Growing Over Selection of Palin

Olmert: Israel Should Withdraw from Most of West Bank & Golan Heights

US Suspends Trade Benefits to Bolivia

More job cuts loom as economy slows

US-India nuclear deal set to face final hurdle

Pakistani Officials Say at Least 6 Killed in US Drone Strike

Heavy Tiger rebel casualties in Sri Lanka fighting: ministry

Report Implicates White House in Prosecutor Firings, Officials Say

Iraq remains 'locked in conflict'

Woman in cow costume arrested (Note: I was getting depressed with these headlines)

Troubling times folks.

A Note of Respect

After criticizing Palin wholeheartedly, I do want to be fair and point out her moments of bravery. From a USA Today article:

Palin also said that she doesn't believe that the media's coverage of her has been sexist. "It would be sexist if the media were to hold back and not ask me about my experience, my vision, my principles, my values," said Palin, Alaska's governor.

Agreed, and thank you for being the one to say it when your party and the media won't.

1 comment:

Ophelia said...

I got depressed reading that too.
Even the cow costume one.
We are throwing people in jail for wear cow costumes? Aren't there more worthy people to be throwing into jail?