The second, preferred method, is direct burial into the ground. I want some non degradable mementos buried with me, and then some sort of fruit bearing tree planted directly on top of me. That way, when my great grandkids are eating "Grandpa Neil's apple pie" they don't know how literal their actions are.
Now, thanks to Explosm, I have a third way, possibly even more preferable than the rocket method. The pirate treasure method.

Also, I want a note hidden in the chest mocking any treasure hunter.
Other death wishes:
I want a party, a large one, as my wake.
I'm serious about the tree thing.
If I'm still alive when you die - believe me - there will be a party.
:) rush though.
So I'm reading these posts in my Operations Management class...and one guy who is in the Coast Guard just used the phrase "Strap on" three times in the same sentence.
thought you might enjoy that.
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